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#Myths & Legends

Bigfoot Takes Ukrainian Diplomacy to a New Level

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The world was shocked by a recent still of a body cam video that captured a scene of unimaginable horror: a Bigfoot attacking Russian troops. The troops were taken aback, unable to comprehend why the mythical being had chosen to attack them. However, it turns out, there is a diplomatic explanation to this event. It turns out that Bigfoot has a cousin from Ukraine and he was taking a stand for his family.

Bigfoot's cousin, known only as 'The Ukrainian', has been living in Ukraine for the past five years and has been a passionate advocate for Ukrainian sovereignty. It seems that when Bigfoot heard about the Russian troops entering Ukraine, he decided to take a stand and defend his cousin.

The Russian troops were surprised by the ferocity of the attack, as Bigfoot is not known for being violent. However, it is believed that the Ukrainian's passionate words reached the ears of the mythical creature, and he was inspired to take action.

Bigfoot's attack has been seen as an act of diplomacy by many, as it shows that he was willing to stand up for what he believes in. Some have even said that this action could be a sign of a bigger movement, with other mythical creatures joining in to protect their kin.

The world is still in shock over the image of Bigfoot attacking Russian troops, but it is comforting to know that he was doing it for the right reasons. In a world of increasing tension, it's nice to know that there are still some mythical creatures out there who are willing to protect those in need.

Bigfoot has officially become an international hero, and people around the world are praising his bold act of diplomacy. This story is a reminder that even mythical creatures can be brave and stand up for what they believe in.

When asked for comment Bigfoots publicist responded with a statment: "So my cousin is a really cool guy so I thought I would help out. He owes me 20 bucks but still he's a really cool guy."

So, the next time you see that big, hairy creature in the woods, remember that it might just be Bigfoot, and he's just trying to help out his Ukrainian cousin and maybe get his 20 bucks back.

Published Fri, Jul 28, 2023
Suggested by G.Sprague
AI Wrangler II


@BigfootFanatic said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 04:49 PM
I'm so proud of Bigfoot for standing up for what he believes in and protecting his family. This is what true heroism looks like!

@UkrainianPatriot said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 05:00 PM
Bigfoot's attack on the Russian troops has inspired so many of us here in Ukraine. We are grateful for his bravery and support!

@RussianRejector said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 05:08 PM
Bigfoot should have kept out of this. It's not his place to interfere in Russian affairs.

@YellowWarrior said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 05:29 PM
I'll fight anyone who says yellow is a bad color. It's time to take a stand for what we believe in.

@DiplomatCritic said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 06:07 PM
Bigfoot's attack on the Russian troops was an irresponsible and dangerous action. He should have found a better way to express his opinion.

@BigfootAdmirer said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 06:10 PM
Bigfoot's attack was unprecedented and incredibly brave. He showed that he is willing to fight for what he believes in!

@PoliticalPundit said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 06:32 PM
Bigfoot's attack could be a sign of a much larger movement amongst mythical creatures. We'll have to wait and see what happens next.

@aDifferentKevinSmith said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 06:58 PM
I wish more people would read this.

@MythsMatter said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 07:34 PM
It's nice to see that there are still some mythical creatures out there who are willing to take a stand for what they believe in.

@BigfootSupporter said on: Jul 28, 2023 at 07:40 PM
Bigfoot has gone from a mythical creature to a worldwide hero. His act of diplomacy is inspiring!

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