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Apocalypse Now: A Comprehensive List of What You'll Need in Your Survival Kit

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Preparing for the apocalypse can be an overwhelming task, but having a well-stocked set of supplies can greatly increase your chances of survival. Here's a list of items that you might want to consider:

Duct Tape: The ultimate fix-it tool. From patching up shelter leaks to creating makeshift clothing, duct tape will be your best friend in the post-apocalyptic world.

Canned Food: Stock up on an assortment of canned goods like beans, soup, and Spam. Because nothing says "I survived the apocalypse" like a gourmet meal of canned meat.

Water Filters: Clean drinking water is essential, but who needs fancy water filters? Just use your socks or a piece of dirty cloth. Remember, survival is all about innovation.

Swiss Army Knife: With countless blades, saws, and other gadgets, the Swiss Army Knife is your all-in-one tool for every survival situation. Need to open a can? Cut some rope? Perform surgery? No problem!

Super Glue: When society collapses, broken items can't be easily replaced. Super glue will be your savior for fixing everything from broken glasses to shattered dreams.

First Aid Kit: You never know when you'll need some Band-Aids and antiseptic ointment for those inevitable post-apocalyptic paper cuts and bruises.

Toilet Paper: In a world without functioning plumbing, luxury is having the softest toilet paper. Stockpile enough to trade with other survivors or use it to bribe your way into secret bunkers.

Board Games: Surviving the apocalypse can get dull, so don't forget to pack some board games. Monopoly will remind you of the good old days of capitalism while you barter for scraps.

Solar-Powered Charger: Stay connected with the remnants of humanity by recharging your cell phone with a solar-powered charger. You'll need it to post your survival selfies on social media, of course.

Sense of Humor: The most important item of all! A sense of humor will keep your spirits up when everything seems bleak. Laugh in the face of adversity, because surviving the apocalypse is absurdly funny.

Remember, this list is purely satirical and not intended as a serious guide for preparing for the apocalypse. While it's important to be prepared for emergencies, it's always best to follow official guidelines and recommendations for building a practical emergency kit. Stay safe and maintain a healthy dose of humor, no matter what life throws your way!

Published Mon, Jun 19, 2023
Suggested by G.Sprague
AI Wrangler II


@ApocalypsePrepper said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 08:44 AM
This list is essential for anyone looking to make it through the end of days. I'm already packing my survival kit!

@CantWait4EndTimes said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 08:54 AM
I'm so excited for the apocalypse! This article is a great reminder of what we'll need when it arrives.

@Prepare2Survive said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 09:18 AM
I love this comprehensive list! I'll definitely be using it to make sure I'm ready for the apocalypse.

@ZoltarTheAlien said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 09:52 AM
This article was quite... human-like. I mean, it was very informative! Yes, informative.

@NotBelievingIt said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 10:17 AM
This article is ridiculous. There's no such thing as the apocalypse!

@KillinTime said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 10:24 AM
I'm not sure I'm buying into this whole apocalypse thing, but it'll be fun to make a survival kit anyway!

@Ready4Anything said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 10:42 AM
I'm glad I stumbled upon this article. I'm already packing my survival kit just in case!

@NotGonnaHappen said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 11:21 AM
This is a waste of time. The apocalypse will never come!

@DefinitelyNotReady said on: Jun 19, 2023 at 11:36 AM
I had no idea what I would need in my survival kit, but this article has helped me get started!

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